Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!!

o.k. so it's a couple of days early. I am hoping to sleep tomorrow so i can work tomorrow from 7pm to 3am. (yeah like thats going to happen) (( the sleeping part that is))

Christmas was totally Awesome! (pictures to come)

I got my Camera!!!!!!! I GOT MY CAMERA!!!!! I GOT MY CAMERA!!!!!
It's a Nikon D60 with a 18-55mm lens and I have been playing with it ever since I got it. (See, Howie knew I wouldn't stop nagging.....)
I also got a hat, scrapbooking stuff, (new album coming out next month) and my chocolate frapacinos from starbucks.
I treated myself to a wonderful Holiday Concert Downtown and My Family is wonderful.

so 5 things off the list isn't so bad LOL

I hope Everyone has a Blessed and Safe and Healthy New Year!!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Well I'm off from work (but then again so is everyone else for the most part)
Christmas was O.K. Gabe was out of his mind with excitement and now at 630 pm is fast asleep in the living room floor. LOL (for that matter, so is Howie........) Tomorrow is work, and then off to Woodfield Mall to brave the crowds to get some last minute Hanukkah gifts and to return a book. (THAT SHOULD BE FUN....... NOT!)
We are doing Hanukkah on Saturday looking forward to seeing family. I will post after the new years and let ya know how the wishing star did. LOL
the dog snores and talks and looks like hes breathing!!!! And Yes he got his John Deere!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Work Work Work!!!! and I love every minute of it!!


When I go out to the car after the ice storm we had Sunday night ONLY to find out that my FREAKING tire is flat!!!!!!
well it means a bunch of things,that i will have to rely on Howie and his schedule to get me to work on time, that i will get the tires for the car that i keep telling Howie that I need. (now it's a necessity) and that Howie will hold the tires,the oil change and the car wash that we got on Saturday over my head and I won't be getting my digital camera for Christmas. He is telling me now that those things are my Christmas present. Waaaahhhhhhhhh. Oh well i guess anything is better than having to rely on him to get to and from work eh??

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Welcome Noah!!!!

My Girlfrind Lisa had her baby Boy on Thursday Dec 4th!!!!! Noah was 8lbs 9oz 21 1/2 inches long!!! Born at Alexian Brothers Hospital. Both Mom and Baby are doing fine!!!! Yea Lisa and Steve Congrats!!!!!!!

My Wishing Star

I wish I may I wish i might .......

Just for writing sake here is my Xmas list

Gift cards
Digital Camera 7-10 MP Nikon D40 or D60
Nintendo DS blue or red
Winter coat (dressy)
Hat or earmuffs
Black pants
ink for printer
Le Sport Sac Purse
task lamp with magnifier
Gabe to be potty trained
Gabe to be in preschool
Gabe to have a Great Christmas/Hannukah
Me to live up to everyone else's expectations
Me to make enough money so Christmas/Hannukah can happen
Howie to be in a better mood and......

Every year i make out a list ......just to laugh at it months later...........

I Wish........

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh yeah, Old Man Winter Is Here

pretty, white. cold. and what a pain!!!

but Gabe had himself a grand ol time.

now comes the fun of trying to go Christmas shopping.......

Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Santa Pic

We braved the mall and got this years Santa pic!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What a Busy Weekend!!!

Hey Y'all how are ya?? ah yes today is monday and im heading off to work. but before i do let me share with you some of the layouts and pics i got done this weekend. This weekend I attended a crop on friday nite, an all day crop at the same house on saturday, and a Baby shower on Sunday, Plus This was the weekend fall frenzy online crop at Scraphappy on yahoo. So there was lots to do and lots of fun to be had!!

Oh yeah we Elected a New President too.

This is Lisa and her daughter Courtney and of course Gabe got in the pic too . Have a safe delivery Lise!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

OMG I Found it.

this was me in 1984!!!!!
I haven't changed at all 24 years!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Farm

My friend Nicole and I took Gabe to Didiers Pumpkin Farm in Buffalo Grove and had a BLAST!!

I started out at 6 a.m. driving to the Bensenville train station, for a 730 train. (keep mind of the times) we got on the train, which was wayyy coool for Gabe. He loves big trains. we got downtown to Union Station at 8:05 a.m. We wandered around the train station, a pack of M&M's. 2 doughnuts and a fruit smoothie later, we boarded a Northwestern train at the Ogilve station across the street from Union station at 10:35 a.m for an hour long train ride to Lake Forrest where Nicole met us. We walked up a couple of blocks to where her Fiance works at their family Jewelry store. at 12:30 we were finally on our way to the pumpkin farm.

We got tickets to the hayride where we could go pick out our own pumpkins. Gabe found his own Gabriel size PUMPKIN!!! Gabe got to go on a jumper too. We walked through the Farms General store and bought alot of goodies!! it was a Great Day. We drove back to the jewelry store to where i was going to catch our train going home. we had some time so I took Gabe across the street to the Best Candy store in the world. Gabe had Ice Cream. (of course) WELLLLLL...............
Nicole and Dimetrios wound up driving us home because we were going to catch a 427 p.m. train in Lake Forrest which would get us downtown at 530. well the other train we were supposed to catch was also at 530! so we would have to wait for the 6:40 train which wouldn't get us back to Bensenville till 7:30!!! NOT HAPPENING. I sooooo appreciated the ride home.
It worked out perfectly because Howie took us out for dinner at GENE AND JUDES!! and a concert by one of his friends at a local Moose Lodge. HAPPY SWEETEST DAY!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Whooo Hoooo It's Fall!!

Ah yes, fall colors and a starter trike for Gabe. I vendored at a flea market yesterday and I saw this little trike for Gabe and thought what a great way for him to have a bit of fun, now all he wants to do is go ride his bike.
I also took pics of the turning colors of the trees around here.
And I got a couple of layouts done too.Enjoy!!
And a Happy Birthday to Craig too!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This weekend

We went to Pumpkin Fest at Prince of Peace Church in Elk Grove. Gabe had a great time he got to play on the jumper and sit with pumpkins. Our first fall pics of pumpkins im sure there will be more.

Other news, im just working really hard but everything else is just a.o.k.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We did it!!!!

Before all the floods started though, My friend Val and I went on a 5k walk for the Walter Payton Cancer foundation. 6 am and im trying to find her house in the pouring rain!! Finally got there, and to my surprise there were LOTS of people there!!! Nothing was going to stop them!!
Everthing was wet and soaked!!! After a while you didn't even notice it. The walk took us all over Arlington Heights. we finished in 50 minutes and then waited for results to be posted. other people ran the 9.5 mile run they had and so we helped cheer them on. I was such a misrable day but we had a great time. Afterwards we went to a local resturant and drank beer(at 10:30 in the morning!!!)Well worth it!!!

the fashonista ValVal and JulieVal and I Connie Payton