My friend Nicole and I took Gabe to Didiers Pumpkin Farm in Buffalo Grove and had a BLAST!!
I started out at 6 a.m.
driving to the
Bensenville train station,
for a 730 train. (keep mind of the times) we got on the train, which was
wayyy coool for Gabe. He loves big trains.
we got downtown to Union Station at 8:05 a.m. We wandered around the train station, a pack of M&M's. 2 doughnuts
and a fruit smoothie later, we boarded a Northwestern train at the
Ogilve station across the street from Union station at 10:35 a.m for an hour long train ride to Lake Forrest where Nicole met us. We walked up a couple of blocks to where her Fiance works at their family Jewelry store. at 12:30 we were
finally on our way to the pumpkin farm.
We got tickets to the hayride
where we could go pick out our own pumpkins. Gabe found his own Gabriel size PUMPKIN!!!
Gabe got to go on a jumper too.
We walked through the Farms General store and bought
alot of goodies!!
it was a Great Day. We drove back to the jewelry store to where i was going to catch our train going home. we had some time so I took Gabe across the street to the Best Candy store in the world. Gabe had Ice Cream. (of course)
Nicole and
Dimetrios wound up driving us home because we were going to catch a 427 p.m. train in Lake Forrest which would get us downtown at 530. well the other train we were
supposed to catch was also at 530! so we would have to wait for the 6:40 train which wouldn't get us back to
Bensenville till 7:30!!! NOT HAPPENING. I
sooooo appreciated the ride home.
It worked out perfectly because Howie took us out for dinner at GENE AND JUDES!! and a concert by one of his friends at a local Moose Lodge. HAPPY SWEETEST DAY!!!